My motto is: "Creative teams engaged in challenging tasks produce excellent outcomes."
So, I'd like to remember the words of the Russian-American biochemist Stan Cohen to his Italian colleague Rita Levi Montalcini: "Rita, you and I are good, but together we are wonderful."

Sep 11, 2011

Forget them not, forget it not

Today I have  experienced the  same  emotional  impact  I felt on September 11th 2001. I  am deeply moved by the solemnity and sobriety of the memorial ceremony that is taking place at Ground Zero in New York City at the moment.  How  wonderful it would be to be  there!

The seemingly endless four hours reading of the  names of those killed in 9/11 attacks is an example of the  extremely profound respect and  gratitude for those who died.

Very meaningful is the speech delivered by Donald Rumsfeld, ex-US Secretary of Defence,
on Sky News:  
“...The purpose of terrorism is not to kill people it’s to terrorize people, it’s to alter their behavior…. Free people, those of us here in the United States and in other free countries, the very essence of their lives  is that  we can go where we want, say what we  want and do what we  wish to do,  and that has not changed, we have not become terrorized. We have had to make  some adjustments to be  sure…… in the main the American people are still the free people they were and that is a blessing because we have not had to alter our lives…

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